EDI Transformation
Strategy refresh & Tuning
Our ecosystems, our people, our intent are dynamic forces that evolve and must remain viable. We know that change is inevitable and harvesting the methods, direction and outcomes of strategic change can provide us with enlightenment that can save our precious resources from an unyielding path. We’ve journeyed with entities of all sizes, helping them to reflect and respond with agility and resiliency to shifts. Our expertise is aimed to not only clarify the strategic "destination" but organically incorporate human-centric, refreshed interventions that redirect from wishing on a star to finding their true Northstar!
EDI Transformation
edi transformation
Runnvation LLC understands that each organization has an intersectionality of mission, purpose, people, processes and enablers such as technology that either works harmoniously or violently opposed. We leverage "inclusive enviro scans and equitable sensing" to establish a foundation from strategy-to-the- voice of the customer. Our proven transformation process fosters collaboration and innovation to ensure we not only understand the core needs of diverse perspectives, but also help to successfully optimize at a rate of change that is both realistic and viable for all.
EDI Transformation
it transformation
Regardless of who you are or what you do, chances are there's technology or tools embedded in how you execute daily tasks. Technology is often a place of great vulnerability to an entity because it is not always seen as an evidential enabler that we holistically value as part of: our strategic direction, our effective engagement with each other and "accelerating our purpose". Runnvation LLC provides a broad range of services and solutions to help organizations facilitate collaborative business and tech alignment, achieve their vision and optimize performance and productivity via digital contributions.
EDI Transformation
women's initiative
We know that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our hearts. Our Women's Initiatives and Coaching realized that by working together we can overcome our blindspots and systemic challenges much more effectively. The Marginalized, the Aspiring, Mentorship, and Allies leverage the experiential pain of yesterday while becoming the courageous promise of tomorrow.
EDI Transformation
talent harvesting
There is no greater asset than People. Now more than ever we are constantly reminded that "human centricity" is our core need. Runnvation LLC brings the focus of self and social awareness into each method and solution we recommend. We journey with our coaching and organizational clients to help them harvest their diamonds of potential. We help re-imagine the future of work and conquer transitional demands through essential skill building, diverse talent and perspective building, innovative collaboration and emotional intelligence.